No Guarantees

I've lost two friends in one week.

Both men were generous and loving individuals. Both were active members in their respective communities. Both died too young.

I’m no stranger to early deaths. I lost my brother when he was 19 and my dad at 61. I understand that I need to cherish every second of my life, but I forget. It’s easy to get caught up in my minor day-to-day struggles and take what I have for granted. These two rapid-fire deaths are a wakeup call—one that I hope I don’t let fade from my brain soon.

There are no guarantees that I’ll have another chance to hug my wife.

No guarantees that I’ll be able to FaceTime with my kids tomorrow.

No guarantees that there will be time next week to call my best friend from high school.

No guarantees that “later when I have more time” will exist.

Later isn’t guaranteed, so I'll hug my wife and tell her that I love her, give long-distance hugs and love to my children, and stop procrastinating about talking to or gathering with friends.

Rest well Jordan and Mike.


The Handoff


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